Bonn-Aachen International Center
for Information Technology





crypto >Students >Teaching >Winter 2021/22 

Lab Machine learning on encrypted data

This course is listed


Michael Nüsken

Time & Place

Send an email to apply for participation in this lab.

We meet by appointment.

Kick-off meeting: Tuesday, 19 October 2021, 1400, digital seminar room.


For reports and presentations see Seminar Advanced Topics in Cryptography.


With the rise of more and more mechanisms and installations of data science methodology to automatically analyze large amounts of possibly privacy infringing data we have to carefully understand how to protect our data. Also more and more fake data shows up and we have to find ways to distinguish faked from trustable data. At the same time we want to allow insightful research and life-easing analyzes to be possible. This seeming contradiction has lead to various efforts for unifying both: protecting data and allowing analyzes, at least to some extent and possibly under some restrictions. See Munn et al. (2019) for a review on challenges and options.

Some methods use supervised machine learning where test data is classified manually and then used as training data. Other use unsupervised machine learning where data is classified without any manual training. The latter include clustering and outlier detection methods.

The target of the lab is to understand how unsupervised machine learning on encrypted data may work. Ideally, we can come up with a novel solution for performing an unconsidered algorithm. We study the tasks and tools, select a clustering algorithm, find a protocol, prototype an implemention, perform a security analysis, present an evaluation, ... The named core papers and the experience from last winter's lab shall serve as guide how to proceed.

We will plan and distribute work shares together in our meetings.


Basic knowledge of data science and privacy is helpful.
A fast understanding of mathematical and computer science topics is required.



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