Bonn-Aachen International Center
for Information Technology





crypto >Students >Teaching >Summer 2024 

Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PETs)

This course is listed

To participate in this course, please join this course in eCampus [direct sign up]! This is only possible with a valid Uni ID of the university of Bonn.


With more and more data available a clear separation of sensitive data is necessary and needs to be protected. Some of that data must stay within strict environments, for examples hospitals must store certain highly sensitive medical information about patients but they are not allowed to store it outside its own facilities. Some of that data is stored or collected in a cloud environment in encrypted form, say data from a medical device or a smart home. But it shall still be possible to derive important conclusions from it, for example to send immediate help to a patient suffering a heart attack.

Innovative solutions are needed in this area of tension. The research in cryptography provides some highly sophisticated tools for solving the like problems.

This course shall be the first of two related courses covering different parts from this list.


Michael Nüsken

Time & Place

First meeting:

To ease your communication you can at any time appoint with each other in this free room.

Notes & Exercises

You will find notes and exercises at sciebo until January 2025.

Lecture recordings, exercise handin and feedback are handled via the eCampus pages of the course.



4+2 SWS.

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