Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PETs)
With more and more data available a clear separation of sensitive data is necessary and needs to be protected. Some of that data must stay within strict environments, for examples hospitals must store certain highly sensitive medical information about patients but they are not allowed to store it outside its own facilities. Some of that data is stored or collected in a cloud environment in encrypted form, say data from a medical device or a smart home. But it shall still be possible to derive important conclusions from it, for example to send immediate help to a patient suffering a heart attack.
Innovative solutions are needed in this area of tension. The research in cryptography provides some highly sophisticated tools for solving the like problems.
- Fully homomorphic encryption (FHE).
- *Zero-Knowledge techniques, in particular: Non-interactive zero-knowledge proof (NIZKs).
- Secure multi-party computations (MPC). [Including: Yao's garbled circuits. Oblivious transfer. Private set intersection (PSI).]
- *Anonymisation, TOR. Pseudonymization. Blinding.
- *Weaker privacy notions, like differential privacy.
This course shall be the first of two related courses covering different parts from this list.
Time & Place
Notice: This course is given in a flipped classroom format.
- Plenum: Wednesday, 1200 c.t.-1400, b-it tba and digital lecture room.
Discussions of questions and items related to exercises, lectures and everything. - Tutorial: Monday 1200 c.t.-1345, b-it tba and digital tutorial room.
Guided help for present exercises and topics.
Presentations of just reviewed solutions. - Consultation time (optional): Monday, 1415 c.t.-1600, digital lecture room.
This is for personal questions.
First meeting:
- Monday, 7 April 2025, 1200-1345, Introduction & Speed grouping, b-it tba and digital lecture room.
To ease your communication you can at any time appoint with each other in this free room.
- Jonathan Katz & Yehuda Lindell (2015/2008). Introduction to Modern Cryptography, CRC Press. Webpage.
- Mike Rosulek (2017+). The Joy of Cryptography. Webpage including PDF.
- Boaz Barak (2019+). An Intensive Introduction to Cryptography. Webpage.
- Mihir Bellare & Shafi Goldwasser (2001). Lecture Notes on Cryptography. PDF.
- Dan Boneh & Victor Shoup (2017). A Graduate Course in Applied Cryptography.
- Johannes A. Buchmann (2004). Introduction to Cryptography. Birkhäuser Verlag, 2nd edition. ISBN 0-387-21156-X (hardcover), 0-387-20756-2.
- Joachim von zur Gathen (2015). CryptoSchool. Springer. ISBN 978-3-662-48425-8.
- Nigel Smart (2002), Cryptography: An Introduction. McGraw-Hill. ISBN 0-077-09987-7. This first edition is out of print, but a new edition is available online.
- Howard M. Heys (2001). A Tutorial on Linear and Differential Cryptanalysis. Technical Report CORR 2001-17, Centre for Applied Cryptographic Research, Department of Combinatorics and Optimization, University of Waterloo, Mar. 2001. (Also appeared in Cryptologia, vol. XXVI, no. 3, pp. 189-221, 2002.) PDF on author's webpage.
- Douglas R. Stinson (2005). Cryptography - Theory and Practice. Discrete Mathematics and its Applications. Chapman & Hall / CRC Press, Boca Raton FL, 3rd edition. ISBN 1584885084, 600pp. Book's page including errata. Parts of this text can be found online with GoogleBooks.
There is a long list of free online books about cryptography.
Further topics:
- James S. Kraft & Lawrence C. Washington (2014). An introduction to Number Theory with Cryptography.
- Steven Galbraith (2018). Mathematics of Public Key Cryptography. Webpage including PDF.
- Good knowledge of basic cryptography -including public key systems, modern security definitions and security reductions- and
- fast understanding of mathematical and computer science topics is required.
4+2 SWS.
- Master in Media Informatics: Computer and Communication Technology, 8 ECTS credits.
- Master in Computer Science at University of Bonn, 9 CP.